Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The first step towards getting somewhere.. is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are...

I'm exhausted!!! I've been working out most days, haven't had a cheat on paleo in God knows how long and my body is tired. I forget sometimes how important rest is in this whole combination of things.

So- lots of improvements since last time I posted. Doing pull ups unassisted now, going up on my weights in lots of areas and feel a general sense of balance lately. I've added some protein drinks after my workouts and more fish oil daily. I'm going to start adding some other supplements at some other CrossFit friends suggestions and see how that feels.

So, on way and upward and feeling happy. Totally getting stronger and down about 7 pounds since the challenge started.

Life is good!
-CFC ..... Who is becoming CFPC (CrossFit Paleo Chick) as it turns out.

- Posted using BlogPress for iPad.

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